Get Involved
We are a small and closely knit Christian organisation and our primary objective is to raise awareness. Please email or call us if you would like to know more about us and/or get involved in any way.
We have a child sponsorship scheme in place as well as opportunities to join a prayer cell with regular updates from Sri Lanka. Other activities such as personal and corporate sponsorship events have been run in the past in partnership with CAVALS and Footprints. We have been blessed in having visitors and working holiday groups to our organizations in Sri Lanka also.
Come and Help!
Over the years we have had many people from the UK and other countries come and visit us to help. Here are some messages from them:

“When we first walked into Footprints Children’s Home, it was like walking onto a different planet, let alone it already being a different country. All your doubts and questions, troubles and worries are left at the front door when you are greeted by the excitable and happy little children. I wish I had more hands so that these cute faces didn’t have to take it in turns, – clinging to me like a baby’s hand to a mothers finger.
The atmosphere of the children’s home was warm, homely and welcoming, a feeling of family and acceptance. Once I got to know the children individually, I realised that each child was unique, their story, their personality, and their relationship. But one thing all these little angels had in common was that they were happily content in the love of Jesus.Dave and I went to Footprints to help redecorate, teach English, sing songs, and play with the children. We wanted to ‘give’ to the kids, and we did by having a fun time in painting the girls home, playing table tennis and cricket with the boys, singing and making funny memories with the children. However, we did not anticipate the boys and girls of Footprints Children’s Home stealing our hearts through the vast treasures of love that we received from God’s little gems.”
“Volunteering at the children’s homes and Alpha School was one of the most life-changing and enjoyable experiences I’ve ever had. The children are amongst the most kind-hearted and beautiful people I have ever met, and they taught me more than I could possibly have imagined. The girls I lived with were incredibly loving and generous, and it was truly a blessing to see them growing educationally and spiritually in such a nurturing environment. I cannot wait to see where God leads these young people. I will be visiting again soon, and have genuinely made some lifelong friendships.”
Christie, September 2016

“The moment I walked through the door at Footprints I felt like I had gained thirty-three more sisters. Since then we have played together, prayed together, eaten together and spent over six weeks living together. These girls bring me such joy and it is a privilege to be here with them.
The children are happy and loving and continue to show me so much love. They are encouraged to reach their full potential in their studies and nurtured in their relationship with God with an important emphasis on prayer.
Teaching at Alpha school has been an amazing opportunity. This small school of 12 that is just starting out, strives to provide a Christian education for children who otherwise never would have had that opportunity. It is truly being the hands and feet of Jesus as it serves these precious children. The opportunity to pray and talk with these little ones about Jesus is a great privilege, even greater than the privilege of teaching them to read. It is and continues to be an experience that will shape the rest of my life. “Carys, January 2017
“I’m in the process of doing my A levels and before I start my degree, I wanted to go and help/teach in a foreign country. My family have known about the amazing work that Footprints and CAVALS have done for a number of years, so I spoke to them about coming out to help in the school and with the children in the homes.
I am due to start my degree in teaching in September, but before that I am looking forward to spending 4 weeks in Sri Lanka working in the Alpha School and with the children too….. I’ll tell you how it went when I get back :-)”Rebekah, June 2017

“I had the privilege of spending 6 months in Sri Lanka from January to July 2017 teaching in Alpha School and living with the girls at ‘Salam Villa’. The time I spent there was so much more rich and meaningful than I could have possibly imagined. The vibrant Sir Lankan culture was very different to anything that I had experienced before but I grew to love it and as I started to settle in the more I embraced it and appreciated all the wonderful aspects of my life there – the food, the routine, the people.
My home was with the girls – a place full of joy, noise, and special people! Meeting the girls and living with them was truly the highlight of my time. The love that they showed to me and to one another was so inspiring. From the moment I stepped through the door I felt like I had gained over thirty more sisters! We ate together, sang together, played together and laughed together. They became my family and I will forever have a special place in my heart for each and every one of them.
During the week I would teach at the school. I was responsible for the Grade 1’s and what an experience that was. I loved it! Don’t get me wrong, it had its challenges as we went from little or no English to reading and writing and speaking! I had seven precious little ones in my class and I loved having the privilege of being able to teach them. Each day was filled with fun as we learnt through singing, playing and reading. The whole class made great progress and now as they progress onto the next chapter of their learning in Alpha School I have no doubt that they will excel.
The diligence of the teachers and staff at Alpha School was inspiring. The vision that the school has to provide an English education to those that wouldn’t be able to afford it is so important. They continue to impact and change those children’s lives every day and I cannot wait to see what the future holds for this wonderful school!
Before I knew it, the six months had come to an end and it was time to return to the UK. I was so torn to leave the friends and people I had grown to love. I had been so welcomed and embraced and I now felt my home was with them. Sri Lanka captured my heart and its people will forever have a piece of it. It is truly a beautiful place, not only because of the vibrance, but because of the people. I’m so thankful to God for all the wonderful people that I can count as friends. More so, I am thankful to have seen His hand at work using His children for His glory and bringing joy, purpose and meaning to people’s lives.
I went to Sri Lanka as a visitor, but came back an akki (big sister), friend, and teacher. I’m so grateful for the opportunity I had to spend some time there, to see God at work, using His children to faithfully share His Gospel and love.
When I think back over the six months, I’m so thankful that I had the opportunity to be a part of this ministry for a short time. The memories will forever bring a smile, the faces will never be forgotten, and my love for the people will always remain.“Carys, August 2017
“It has been 12 years since I have been to Sri Lanka, and being only 17, I was very nervous on my journey to ‘Salem Villa’; however, all my worries and nerves vanished when I was greeted by lots of ‘Becky Akki’s’, cuddles and kisses.
My family and I have known about the amazing work that Footprints and CAVALS does, but going to see and be part of the work is truly a life-changing experience!

This trip was particularly eye-opening because of the challenges that I had to face in the early years of my life and being in Sri Lanka among so many inspiring children showed me just how beautiful God’s plan is for my life. I gained 21 little sisters, 14 little brothers and 13 big sisters (which was an amazing experience after being an only child in England).
I was surrounded by so many inspirational people, who have taught me that trusting God, and working hard enables you to achieve anything! It was lovely waking up to see the children’s smiling faces, waiting to go to church to learn new things about God and the excitement of going to school to broaden their learning.
Teaching at the Alpha School was also a valuable experience, as I begin my degree in Primary School teaching in September. This experience has made me confident that this is the vocation for me and seeing the children progress greatly in one month has made me a happy teacher!
The children are cared for extremely well, and it’s the happiest place I have ever been to! Everyone is smiling and they have a strong hope for the future, and for the things that God has in store for them because of the work of those at Footprints and CAVALS.
When children call you ‘akki’ ‘teacher’ and ‘mum’ it puts the biggest smile on your face and you feel very honoured to be such an important part of their lives. It was extremely hard having to say goodbye to the girls and boys, however I will forever cherish the memories made during this month and I know that there will be many more to come!“
Rebekah, August 2017

“In July 2017, Josh and Megan joined Rebekah and Carys to deliver the ‘Alpha Kids Bible Week’. The week was full of different activities, including, songs, memory verses, art and craft, and a variety ways of learning. The whole school also enjoyed a visit to Colombo Zoo.”
“The ACE Alumni Team and Rebekah worked with the teachers and volunteers in Sri Lanka to deliver an inspiring week. The week culminated with a special presentation for the children which was attended by the children’s family members. The children were able to show their families what they had learnt and were each presented with a certificate.”

“Within all the weeks activities, Josh, A student of Theology at Cambridge University, took the time to share a short study from Psalms 27 titled ‘One Desire’.”
Alpha Kids Bible Week
“After the amazing 1 month I spent in Sri Lanka last year, I knew that I had to go back, and I am so glad I did! It felt like I was coming back to my family, and the children gave me the best welcome home ever! During the 3 months that I stayed with the children it was lovely to see how much they had grown from last year in their walk with God, in their school work and with each other. In particular I was amazed at how much the Alpha School has grown! In 1 year, the number of children has increased, and the children’s learning has grown too. The children are very much engaged in their learning, and as a trainee primary school teacher it was amazing to see how the school is helping all of the children to develop in their learning of English as a second language. I was able to take part in a range of school activities such as the Alpha School Bible Week, Parents meetings and I was able to teach year 4 how to play the recorder.

I was also very honoured to be able to celebrate my 19th birthday with all of the children and other families that I had become close too through being involved in the Pearl of Hope organisation. This was the first time that I had celebrated my birthday away from home, but I don’t think anything could compare to the love that was showered on me that day! Throughout this trip I was able to see how much the staff and volunteers (affectionately known as aunties and uncles) love the children and how much care and support they give to them daily, as well as all of the hard work put in by teachers in the Alpha School. It truly was inspiring to be a part of! For anyone thinking of visiting, or anyone wanting to go back again, please do! Every experience with the children is something new, and it’s an organisation that inspires me daily and I know will do the same for you.”
Rebekah, June-August 2018

“Considering the background of these children, we were amazed to see how full of smiles they were, and how positive they were about their school work and towards each other.
When we first arrived we were greeted by a multitude of happy children, who affectionately held our hands and clung to our arms, calling us “Akki”. They showed us their beautifully decorated dormitories with pride, before teaching us some traditional Sri Lankan games.
Teaching the younger children Maths, English, Science, Computer Studies, Religion and Environmental Studies was a fantastic experience from which we’ve both gained a huge amount, even if, at times, it was challenging to keep some of the children in their seats. Now we find it much easier to sympathise with our teachers!
The resident staff, teachers, and children were all enormously helpful, and made us feel very welcome. We also had great fun painting the front wall of the school, and the children loved their new mural. We also had an art afternoon, where the children used the new watercolours we gave them to do some finger painting.
It was truly humbling for us to see how much the children valued the little they had and this made us really appreciate the things we take for granted. We got to know everyone really well, and saying goodbye to the children was probably the hardest part of our trip. Our visit to has changed our outlook on life, and we will always cherish our time with these children with whom we shared just two weeks of our lives. “
Ani King and Georgina Wood, July 2018
“When I said goodbye to the children last year, I knew that I could not stay away from them for too long, so I booked my tickets to fly back to Sri Lanka this summer. As soon as I saw the children it felt like I was coming home.
I have loved spending my last 3 summers with the children because of the big part that it has played in my life and in theirs. Every year that I have spent with them, has given me the opportunity to watch them grow as people and as children of God. Watching some of the children move on with their lives and making lasting memories with them (such as bicycle riding, food nights and bonfire nights) has made my trip this year even more valuable.

This year I was able to see a large growth in the Alpha School. In 2017 when I went for the first time, there were 10 children in the school and now there is just over 50! What was even more amazing, was the fact that I could see a major change in the children’s learning. All of the children who were new to the school in previous years are now reading, writing and communicating fluently and effectively with teachers and other students in English. The teachers are progressing as well, which shows the high quality of both teachers and teaching at the school. As a trainee primary school teacher myself, it has been amazing teaching in the Alpha School this year. The children have helped me grow as a teacher.I can’t wait to go back to see all of the children again, to continue watching them grow and strive to work hard and follow the will of God in their lives. I am honoured to be their Akki (big sister) and someone that is has been a part of their life for the last 3 years. I know that I will go back to see everyone again soon, but until that day I know that all the memories we have made over the last 3 years will be remembered and never lost.
Now looking back, I know that deciding to volunteer in Sri Lanka with the children in 2017 was one of the best lifetime decisions that I have made. I hope that I can spend many more months with the children in the future.”Rebekah, June-August 2019