Footprints currently has 2 homes, 1 for boys and 1 for girls. The 2 homes:
- Salem Villa for girls
- Sanctuary for boys

As of January 2017 we have 44 children in our care but have had over 70 children with us since the work started in 2001.
Please note – images of children in our care have been omitted from the site to protect their anonymity.
The main purpose of our homes is to provide a family environment, daily shelter and food, clothing, education, skills training, self-worth, confidence and so much more. We do this in a nurturing environment, one that all our children can call their home. Some of the children have gone on to get married and have their own children; they are still closely connected with Footprints. Like in any home environment, the children share in each others joy and sadness.

Since the inception of the shelter programme, the children were housed in rented premises. We faced continuing difficulty in finding rented homes with adequate facilities, and faced many challenges when having to move the children between houses at regular intervals. The arrangement also lacked the stability we wanted for our children. It thus became a necessity for us to have our own housing facilities for both our boys and our girls.
As always the Lord supplies all our needs and, through generous donations and contributions, we were first able to first to construct a home for the girls and then a home for the boys. The children are thrilled with their new homes, and for some it is the first time they have a registered address to call their own. They take every opportunity to take anyone who visits on a ‘walkabout’, and are particularly proud of their gardens and flowers.
Our older children have since completed their education and continued to make careers for themselves in fields such as nursing, the hotel trade and accountancy among many others. Some have continued with their education and have registered for specific degree programmes. We have also had the joy and the privilege of witnessing some of our children getting married and starting families of their own.